B.B.C. PLUMBING -- Serving all your plumbing needs



A repeat customer says,   “Thank you, Bob ... that’s just hunky dory, beautiful work!”

B.B.C. PLUMBING offers the highest quality and skilled plumbing workmanship on the market today. Since 1975, we have provided superior service to our customers and have assisted them in achieving their goals.  Over 30 years of experience and commitment to excellence have earned us the reputation as the best plumbers in the area.

Our Values

Leadership: B.B.C. PLUMBING provides the kind of quality and service you expect from a leader. Our company is always evolving as the needs or our customers change and as new opportunities are created in the market. You can rest assured that, working with B.B.C. PLUMBING, you will enjoy the latest services, technology and developments in the industry.

Customer Relations: At B.B.C. PLUMBING, our highest priority is satisfied customers. You are important to us and you can expect us to go the extra mile for your business. Flexibility, innovation and superior customer service are the hallmarks of B.B.C. PLUMBING. We are proud to serve you and work hard to earn your business.


4923 N. Vista Dr. E.
Bonney Lake
WA, 98391
(253) 569-2965

What are your plumbing needs -- We can do it!

  • Emergency plumbing repairs
  • Leaks in your plumbing system
  • Installation of hot water tanks, washing machines, dish washers, garbage disposals, ice makers, sinks, toilets, tubs, hot tubs and showers
  • Remodeling kitchens and bathrooms or replacing plumbing appliances
  • New construction in single family homes, condo units, multi-family homes, apartments, and office buildings

State of Washington Construction (Plumbing) Contractor License: BOBBEBC944OE

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